The Yumwe crowdfunding. Or: What it's like to cook with 10 strangers.
I'm getting a little scared. "That's not strange at all. This is just a cooking evening with people who do not know each other. That is fun. And it's funny. "-" Funny. To cook with strangers and sit at a table? "In the man's face, I read clearly that he would rather undergo a root canal treatment than do such an abstruse.
We are quite different .
"Who else is going on like that?" The man does not give up. "Surely there's only total piss. So nerds who finally want to meet women. Or Uschen, who only laugh shrilly the whole time. You know how that ends, if you have to listen to it all evening .... "The man has fears. Now I'm a bit unsure. What if he is right? Great, now I have jitters.
I did it. And he was not right. I spent a fun and relaxed evening with nice people with mixed professions of all ages - and delicious food. To my left was a brand manager for NIVEA, on the right a social media community manager. Then there was, among other things, a guy who just came from a month-long trip around the world and the nice gentleman in the suit, who has been dealing with factoring for 30 years. The whole thing was organized by Yumwe, a portal for people who want to cook together. But before I explain that for long, just have a look at this little animated film:
By the way, that's Sven Lorenz and Aurel Bantzer. The two have come up with Yumwe and put a beta version for Hamburg and Berlin online a year ago.