Cool & Vegan: The CHICKPEA Magazine. And a lot going on: GourmetGuerilla somewhere else.

Recently, after work, I sat comfortably with my buddy Dave in front of our favorite bar in the area. We had huge rose spritzers and chatted about this and that in the after work hours. Of course, about food, cooking, food trends and what we recently found good in this context. Dave told me about his new discovery "Chickpea - vegan quartely" and raved about the delicious recipes and the cool style. Chickpea, never heard, I said. And I went home directly into the vastness of the Internet. I found it and am also gechickpead (so to speak).

The magazine for wholesome and vegan nutrition is published by Cara Livermore and Bob Lawton. And as with so many things, there was a blog at the beginning of the Chickpea story: Hippsterfood started in 2010 and gave the two of them the idea to transfer the recipes and lifestyle tips to the analogue world relatively quickly. The result is a magazine that brings many delicious recipes, interesting stories, DIY instructions and even travel tips under an extremely attractive optical hat. Very relaxed, very modern, highly recommended.

The print edition appears in a small, high-quality edition and is completely ad-free. Luckily, you can also buy or subscribe to digital spending for a limited amount of time. Or even participate as an author - everything goes.

Check out some appetite appetizers from the fall issue here and then quickly go to the homepage and buy the magazine. Husch husch!

Since we just arrived at the infinite widths of the Internet, I would like to put a few more links to you with heart and soul. Because at GourmetGuerilla there's a lot going on just outside your own four walls:

Isabel von Lecker Lezmi recently had some exciting questions in store for me. I answered all truthfully. So if you want to know what Martini cocktails with The Three ??? have a look around her and take a look at the interview. And of course, on their many delicious recipes.

More home and more time are a great thing. Sometimes I have too little of both. As a result, from now on, I'll regularly write little stories about our Chaos family and delicious recipes for everyone on the new IKEA Time More Home campaign page. From home. The first article went online yesterday and I'm a bit proud. Fancy pumpkin knights with crispy ham and maple syrup and my personal truth about Halloween? Then click here. If you would like to know who else is writing this way - this is the way to the colorfully drafted authors.

From the Web to the Print: I was very happy about the report in the Sunday edition of the Weser Kurier. Thank you, dear editor, for the sympathetic discussion. Now everyone knows: Yes, I am a passionate label reader and we have a not quite perfect apartment entrance area.We read each other on Sunday.